The gender-specific prevention program is ongoing
The spring part of the project “Safeguarding the future through age-tailored and gender-sensitive drug use prevention” has come to an end. The project is being implemented by RPCO "DAPC" with the funds of a grant from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
More than 200 girls were trained in the modified course "Cobblestones and Roses" developed by our Swedish colleagues from the organization "Women's Organizations Committee on Alcohol and Drugs". Classes were held at “the St. Petersburg Medical College - a structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education St. Petersburg State Transport University named after Emperor Alexander I” and
at the State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution “Pedagogical College No. 4 of St. Petersburg”. Future educators and medical workers not only made their lives safer, but also gained knowledge and skills that they can use in their workplaces. Information about the project and anti-drug materials are posted on the websites and, in social networks,,