The training for NGOs from 11 regions
On October 15-18, in St. Petersburg, the training “Managing NGOs during the implementation of primary gender-specific alcohol and drug prevention programs” was held within the framework of the project “Exploiting the potentialities of CSOs and LAs for development of holistic prevention of drug and alcohol abuse among girls and women in lagging regions of Russia”.
The training was organized by RPCO “Drug abuse prevention centre” at the hotel “Aglaia Courtyard” (St. Petersburg, Razezzhaya St., 38). October 15, Leena Harake, General Manager of WOCAD (Stockholm, Sweden), introduced 30 representatives of 24 NGOs from 11 regions with 5 main aspects of an effective gender-specific prevention strategy - Prevention and promotion efforts, available early efforts, exposed groups, participation and Rights, organization and leadership. Then the audience met with conditions for change - Person centered, the entire society's responsibility, use the correct data – correctly, effective knowledge support, cost Effectiveness, cooperation. The day ended with answers to numerous questions and a joint walk along the rivers and canals. On October 16, 2018, the trainer Marina Orlova (RPCO "DAPC") conducted the training that included learning on the following topics: prevention, basic concepts; risk factors and protection of risky behavior in adolescents; the exercise “Habit and Dependence”; role-playing game "The active involvement of young people in the work on the prevention of drug abuse and alcohol abuse"; practical technologies for conducting preventive work among adolescents and young people. On October 17–18, 2018, the coaches Yulia Nikolaeva and Anna Kletsina from the Center for Non-Governmental Organizations Development and “the Dobry Gorod St. Petersburg Foundation” prepared and conducted the training “Organization Management and Fundraising”, which included consideration of the issues of managing NGOs development of the organization), raising funds in a non-profit organization (external and internal sources, current trends in Russia), participation in competitions of social projects. The project is implemented with the support of the European Union.