In capital of Pomorje
Within the framework of the project “Exploiting the potentialities of CSOs and LAs for development of holistic prevention of drug and alcohol abuse among girls and women in lagging regions of Russia” a training-seminar was held in Archangelsk on 18-20 of November.
On November 18 - 19, 2019, in Arkhangelsk (conference hall of the ‘Stolitsa Pomorja” Hotel), the training seminar "Effective approaches to prevent alcohol and drug abuse among women and to support dependent women” was held. The seminar has been conducted by our colleagues from the Women's Organizations Committee on Alcohol and Drugs (WOCAD), Sweden. The seminars examined the main approaches and features of the prevention of alcohol and drug addiction among girls and women, presented the experience of the Committee of Women's Organizations on Problems Related to Alcohol and Drugs in building a multilateral partnership to develop comprehensive prevention of alcohol and drug abuse. The methods of work with girl groups for prevention of addictions were discussed, innovative approaches to primary prevention were presented. On November 20, 2019, Marina Orlova held a training seminar on the prevention of fetal alcohol syndrome. The seminar-training in Arkhangelsk was attended by 40 persons - heads and specialists of healthcare, education, social welfare institutions, representatives of civil society organisations (RBF “Pomorje bez narkotikov”, BFPS “Est reshenie”, RPO “Council of women of the Arkhangelsk region”, AROO “ Crisis Center "Nadezda").
As part of the training-seminar, a "Round Table" has been held with the participation of representatives of civil society organizations, the Regional Anti-Drug Commission, the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Development, educational, medical, and leisure institutions. The need to strengthen the fight against both the supply of alcohol and drugs, and the demand for them, primarily from girls and women, was discussed, and issues of interagency and inter-sectoral interaction in the implementation of preventive and supportive programs were considered.
Representatives of RPCO “DAPC” and AROO “Crisis Center“ Nadezhda ”talked about the problem of alcohol and drug use among female part of the population and projects aimed at solving it at the GTRK “Pomorie” in the program“ Evening Arkhangelsk ”.
The project is funded by the European Union.